On August 29, 2013, Perry Junjulas prepared for his day at the Damien Center. That morning a fire started in the basement of the establishment and soon engulfed the entire building. Just as the congregation of workers and volunteers arrived, Mr. Junjulas and the First Lutheran Church directed the approaching workers into the church. The building was destroyed due to the fire, but no one was injured.
Founded in 1990, by Justin Kerner, the Damien Center created awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention and to support those with the disease. Although the operation was underfunded, the staff and volunteers tried their hardest to keep it afloat. The recent fire was a devastating blow to their already low budget.
In an effort to produce some funds for the Damien Center, Rachel McEneny, daughter of assemblyman Jack McEneny, decided to use her annual block party as a fundraiser. McEneny, being neighbors and friends with Junjulas, was attracted to the idea of raising funds for the center because she is drawn to helping neighbors.
The reconstruction of, not just the building, but also the community will take a large sum of cooperation and effort from a vast group of people. The Damien Center is taking donations anywhere they can. If you would like to contribute to their effort, information can be found at their website, http://www.albanydamiencenter.org/.