Albany High Gets First Win On New Field
On Friday night Albany High took on Colonie at home on the new athletic field. Even thought it was a cold night the players, students, teachers, family, and friends all came out to support our Falcon football program.
The game started off with Albany High scoring the first touch down of the night. At the end of the first quarter, Colonie High was in the lead 14-7. In the second quarter, Albany took the lead 21-14. After two hours of cold wind, hard hits, and many falls on the new turf, Albany came out with the win by a score of 35-34. The Falcon Nest went wild!
As excited as everyone was, our Superintendent Dr. Vanden Wyngaard was the most excited saying, “Albany High made history tonight!” Head coach DiPiazza said he was “extremely happy for the boys. It took a lot of hard work motivation for them to get the win.”
He also said he was very proud of his players. Come out tonight, Thursday 11/5/15 at 6pm, for our last home game on our brand new turf field!