Puzzles on the Internet

As humans evolve, the internet does too. An app has started a brand new obsession for artists and the aspiring creative person. You may have even shown off your creation with the app on Snapchat while not knowing it. Sandbox is its name and puzzles are its game.
While in this app, users color by pressing numbers, so, essentially, the image is already made for them. However, people still take much pride in these creations. Psychologically speaking, could this simple app create such obsession for some because of the creativity combined with the childhood element of puzzles? I’m not saying people don’t still put puzzles together; however, most people don’t seem to have time to take out and put together a physical puzzle.
Furthermore, could this be the beginning of the end of puzzles, seeing that business adapts to their consumers’ tastes? Puzzle companies may flee to apps and discontinue physical puzzles eventually (that is if their apps are successful). In addition, why wouldn’t companies take advantage of the free publicity brought by the internet because of the users wanting to show off their creations?
This leads to another possibility of puzzle companies and companies in general more heavily abusing human habits of feeling the need to show their things off to the world. This may as well be the case because companies already analyze their demographics’ attractions and distastes. In the future will puzzle apps be tailored to certain demographics? Will physical puzzles disappear forever? Since there’s no way to truly find out, I guess we’ll just have to find out together.