Albany High Transformed…
We’ve all seen and heard about the construction that is going on around Albany High, yet curious staff and students want to know what is actually happening? I was fortunate enough to interview the building principal Ms. Jodi Commerford, who provided answers to some of these questions.
One of the first things everyone wants to know is when! When will we be moving into the new building? The transition is set to take place on January 30th in the 2019-2020 school year. During regents week, teachers’ school materials and supplies are supposed to be moved. This transition will have no impact on the existing academic building, with the new wing coming in.
“Many wished to stay where they were, but we are still in the process of figuring out how to place teachers who wish to move.” There will be 75 new classrooms, meaning 75 teachers will be moving into the building but there will also be some shared spaces. This is due to the fact that by next year, the existing building will begin to be renovated.
According to Ms.Commerford, “Much like how students applied to academies to enter the High School, teachers applied to new academies. By September 0f 2020 the north side of the existing building will be closed off by construction and it will start to be renovated and expanded.” The infrastructure issues that have been occurring throughout the school are the reasons for the rebuild according to Ms. Commerford.
In terms of security there will be ten more hall monitors, so the total number of security staff will be 34-35 monitors to help with having so much space. The emergency response plans will also be redone in order to adapt to the new setting. There will be no entry into the building from Washington Avenue starting next year. Community organizations have been invited to talk to kids about being safe, such as the Albany Police Department, to ensure a safe transition into the new school.
The excitement builds up as January grows closer and this generation of Albany High students will be able to experience a transformed learning environment.