Corona Virus: School Update

On May 1 at 11:30 a.m., Governor Cuomo held a press conference to give New Yorkers a coronavirus update regarding opening up the state again and if schools will open again this academic year.
Cuomo has announced that schools across New York will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. He will make a decision about the possibility of summer school on May 15th. It’s likely that Albany High’s summer school will be online this year.
Cuomo made it clear that schools should work on plans to follow state protocols upon possible reopening, however he understands that upholding social distancing is difficult in a school environment with limited resources.
Also, Albany High Principal Commerford held a Google Meet to answer questions and listen to any feedback the students had earlier this month. The meeting took place on May 4 at 2 p.m.
It is safe to say that although the outcome of this pandemic is unknown, everyone is trying to make the best of this situation.