Farewell From the Editor-in-Chief

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As the 2021-2022 school year finishes, sadly so does my work here at the Nest. Thank you immensely to the readers of this paper for your support and this year’s staff for putting out content despite busy schedules. As a transitional year returning to in-person school from the confines of our computers these last few semesters, it was definitely a challenge recruiting for and organizing the newspaper this year. However, I couldn’t be more grateful for my devoted writers and the work we have accomplished.
One person stood out in particular this year- an excitable Freshman whose interest and alacrity toward writing made her one of the top publishers for the Nest. I am so proud to announce Arianna Costello as the new Editor-in-Chief for these few upcoming school years and immensely excited to see the incredible heights the paper will reach under her guidance. Arianna’s intelligence, bright personality, and devotion to the paper make her beyond deserving of this role, and as I depart I can rest assured of its success with her as Editor. Congrats, Arianna!
As for me, I plan on continuing to study journalism as a double major with creative writing next year at college. Thank you to Mr. Dring for fostering my love of journalistic writing and granting me this opportunity! I will never forget this club, forever a highlight in my high school experience.
Thank you again to my staff and the readers of this paper this 2021-2022 school year. Good luck to all 2022 Albany High graduates and congratulations, Arianna!
Sasha Roter