Hello everyone and welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. It is both my honor and privilege to serve as your Editor-In-Chief for the upcoming school year. I love what we do here at the Nest, and I am so excited for us to continue to grow! I welcome your ideas, suggestions, and comments with open eyes and ears. We will continue to listen to community input, and make sure our staff writers are putting the very best quality information into the articles. Don’t be afraid to reach out, I will link all forms of communication below. If you’re on the socials, give our Instagram a follow.
My Name is Arianna Costello. I am 16 years old and going into my Junior Year of Albany High School in Albany New York. I am taking classes this year that are STEAM focused. Currently, I am planning on going into the engineering field probably with mechanical, computer, or chemical engineering. However, I am still researching all of my options. I am extremely college focused and my current dream school is MIT. My interests, which usually become the focus of my stories, are science, politics, and some sports (specifically soccer and martial arts). I do school sports and feature articles. This year I hope to dive into more entertainment articles, specifically books. I also have recently picked up an interest in Formula 1.
Our main goal this year is to have a more focused, concise, and organized plan regarding staff meetings and timelines as well as expanding our coverage with new staff writers. We really hope to hear from you. Let us know what you’d like to read about. Thank you so much!
-Arianna Costello
Nest Email: [email protected]
Nest Website: https://www.ahsthenest.com/
Nest Instagram: ahs_the_nest
Mr. Dring: Club and Paper Advisor
Arianna Costello: Editor-In-Chief and Staff Writer
Jadyn Hardy: Managing Editor and Staff Writer