Hello everyone and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is both my honor and privilege to serve as your Editor-In-Chief for the upcoming school year. I love what we do here at The Nest, and I am so excited for us to continue to grow! I welcome your ideas, suggestions, and comments with open eyes and ears. We will continue to listen to community input, and make sure our staff writers are putting the very best quality information into the articles. Don’t be afraid to reach out, I will link all forms of communication below. If you’re on the socials, give our Instagram a follow.
Some info about me. My Name is Arianna Costello. I am 17 years old and I am in my Senior Year at Albany High. I am extremely college focused, and my current dream schools are Brown and UMass Amherst. I am planning on going into Business or Law, and plan to study some form of business and law dual degree with a minor in Psych. You will most likely see articles from me about politics, but I tend to cover a variety of things, including books. This year I hope to dive into more political articles, around women and environmental issues.
My main goals for the paper this year are to recruit as many people as possible, and to cover a wider range of topics across the board, as a team. A hope I have for myself is to get out an article (maybe two) monthly. I really do hope to hear from anyone who would like to contribute to the paper, and let me know what you’d like to read about. Thank you so much for checking back in with The Nest!
Nest Email: [email protected]
Nest Website: https://www.ahsthenest.com/
Nest Instagram: ahs_the_nest
Editorial Board:
Mr. Dring: Club and Newpaper Advisor
Arianna Costello: Editor-In-Chief and Staff Writer
Jadyn Hardy: Managing Editor and Staff Writer